Exciting news! We have our membership information and the new calendar of events ready for you. You can now sign up to be a member. Remember, Advanced and Expert membership levels get first dibs on trip sign-ups. Make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook as well as sign up for our email list so you can be alerted to all updates.

Once you are a member, you can see other special discounts being a part of OutRyders can give you.


Member Login

If you have already signed up as a new member for the 2023-24 season, please click here to log into your account.

Check out the various membership levels available below and choose which level is right for you. OutRyders strives to provide the best skiing/snowboarding opportunities to the LGBTQ+ community and its allies. OutRyders helps members get great prices on lodging and lift tickets - love those group rates! All membership fees are used for member parties, raffle prizes, member hotel rates, and any other fun thing we can think of.

Expert Membership

The Expert Membership level is for those benefactors that want all that the other levels offer, PLUS:

  • are interested in donating extra to help with infrastructure improvements and the longevity of the club
  • Outryders Benefactor Group Dinner
  • 2 swag items of your choosing

Expert Membership suggests a $250 donation or higher.


Steps to becoming a member

  • Review our membership page
  • Choose your membership level
  • Pay the membership dues
  • Join us for a great time!

"I just moved from the west coast and the first thing I did was go to an Outryders ski trip. I met friends that first weekend that are my best friends still. I've skied all over the Northeast and West with them. I'm thankful for Outryders for being so welcoming and fun."

- Steven, Boston, MA